Ingenious Rebrand:
A Supplement Brand Made for Modernity
Sectors: Supplements, Wellness
In-depth competitor analysis, bench-marking, consumer environment audits, brand positioning.
Visual identity; logos, typeface, graphic style, motion design & more.
Verbal identity; tone of voice, narrative, key messaging, product naming & more. -
Campaign, photography, videography, copywriting, web design, packaging design, 3D CGI design, emails.
Understanding the Brief
Ingenious developed the first clinically-proven collagen on the UK market. Invested in scientific excellence, Ingenious has patented capsule technology designed to deliver ingredients precisely at the point of maximum absorption.
With 14 years of innovation and a premium formula, the brand embodies unparalleled rigour and results. Yet, its presentation didn’t fully capture the sophistication and groundbreaking quality of its innovation. It was time for the Ingenious brand to match the science behind it.
A recent internal positioning shake-up had primed the business for a huge transformation. Unfound partnered with Ingenious, concepting, designing and implementing a 360-brand, set-up for maximum adoption — of established customers and new audiences. The project moved away from the beauty-based collagen sector for women over 40, into an innovative lifestyle brand that slots into the hectic, modern lives of diverse go-getters.
Finding the Unfound
It's not just age that reduces the body's ability to produce collagen. Pollution, processed foods, stress and city environments all contribute to the degradation of this integral material of human living.
Thankfully, the Ingenious product truth can help fight against that. With Ingenious, their unique capsule protects a consistent and repeatable dose of ingredients, delivered right where you need it. In short, Ingenious puts in the precision collagen work to support people's true wellness.
This called for a differentiated brand that wasn't limited to glossy images found in magazines but instead seamlessly slots into the realities of go-getting, urban lifestyles. Rather than relying on sub-standard, inaccurate 'collagenic' concoctions of other vendors, people that choose to live Ingenious unlock a hack for modernity: a simple, scientifically-smart anti-dote to stressors of modern-living.
Honouring Ingenious's long history of going beyond industry predictability, we set new standards of excellence for the brand. To communicate wellness supplements that work — in response to non-differentiated industry messaging — we invited people to engage with the brand on a deeper level. One that recognises that users lifestyles and wellness are something worth protecting.
This meant taking a rigorous approach to crafting a consistent and repeatable narrative at each and every brand touchpoint: the clear notion that an Ingenious life is more than just collagen.
Under the Surface
The collagen market can feel like a sea of influencers on huge commission, each promising flawless skin with convoluted formulas. The Ingenious brand is able to cut through with a confident tone of voice that shows it's 'in-tune' to enrich people's unique lives, 'in-the-know' with a research-led and integrity-driven approach, as well as being 'in-opposition' to inaccuracies of competitors and collagen claims that can’t be backed up.
Tapping into the brand name, the brand voice capitalised on what it means to 'be Ingenious', recognising that to live and be well requires a more thoughtful and ingenious approach to life.
Brand Transformation
This project resulted in a brand ecosystem that felt as consistent in its video launch content as it did in its email marketing architecture. As a contemporary e-commerce business, the new brand had to show up across channels:
Packaging; As a key channel for consumers to compare and discover supplements, we carried out detailed retail store audits, forming insights that directly fed into our packaging concepts.
Socials; For launch, we created a multi-location campaign titled 'The Ingenious Way', a video-first story that features and celebrates Ingenious people across audience types.
E-commerce Marketplace; With different routes to purchase, users can check-out on multiple platforms. On Amazon, we asked ourselves how we could treat the brand page more like an owned channel, amplifying lifestyle on a convenience first platform. Then, the Ingenious e-com site became a brand world and own-able sales channel. A space to discover, from hearing from the founder to unpacking the details of the brand’s clinical trial.
Emails; Subscriptions and 90 day trials meant the brand needed to keep in touch with consumers, so for their email campaigns we led with more emotion, from product photography to tone of voice, an opportunity to bring a breath of wellness to the inbox.
Unearthing Value
The Ingenious brand now does justice to the original product innovation and ambition of a scientific team who have aligned their professional expertise to help people's health thrive.
"Unfound were simply perfect, they understood the brief clearly and actually helped develop it further to ensure our rebrand spoke clearly and passionately to our target audience. The standout point is that Unfound stayed true to our ethos of honesty, integrity and effectiveness, which they understood from project inception.
There is not another brand that looks like us in this space, Unfound have delivered something quite remarkable by making us stand out in a completely saturated and ‘shouty’ market.
Unfound managed to capture our 14 years of history and communicate what David and I have had in our heads for years, but haven't been able to express. Our current clients and new consumers absolutely love our new brand and it has already opened new doors and partnerships - now the branding matches the products. Great work team Unfound."
- Pupinder, CEO at Ingenious
Unfound Studio Samples
The supplement space is fiercely competitive, with growing demands for authenticity and consumers facing a complexity of choices, Unfound’s aim is to help brands to show up with impact, in this complex landscape.
"One major hurdle for supplement brands is embedding their products into users’ daily routines. For the health space, this involves more than just product uptake; it’s about understanding how to integrate offerings seamlessly into consumers’ lives.
Success hinges on brands understanding the lifestyle decisions users make, asking questions like when do they wake up? How do they travel? What do they eat? How should we package the product? Can we reward adoption? This deeper strategic understanding of users helps supplement brands to package and present their product in a way that works more effortlessly."
- Jay, Unfound Co-founder, speaking in FMCG CEO
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